Monthly How-To Newsletter #1 November, 2011
Posted by Jordan Steinke on 28 October 2011 09:56 AM


To all of our customers and reseller partners;

On a recent tech support call involving our CTO the discussion focused around extremely useful but lesser known tips regarding our BrightClip Pattern Filter. This started us thinking; why not distribute this type of information, plus more, to all our partners and end-users on a regular basis.

Starting today Bright will be publishing a monthly how-to newsletter exclusively to our customers and reseller partners registered in our support ticketing system. These how-to's will feature basic and valuable tricks to further utilize Bright software in your environment. From DataMover, to BD Admin, BrightClip, and more this newsletter will be your exclusive guide to our entire catalog of products.

This month's tip starts with BrightClip, specifically BrightClipCopy ("BCCP"), and explaining a few of its unique settings that you might be able to use in your SAN.

How to Feature By Roger Beck:

My workspace performance is not always the same after transferring files into my volume. I use various graphical or command line tools for data management.
The copy process might be fast and everything looks good and fancy via the graphical interface and all files are in order, but my workspace still seems slow!

Most bundled graphical or command line based tools are not sequence aware, they hand the content over how it's laid down on the source file system. There is no real rule how files on a non-sequence aware file system get allocated, hence this issue affects all OS platforms and none is better than the other.

Customers who run BrightClip on their BrightDrive have the advantage to use the command line tool "bccp" (BrightClipCopy) which is included in the BrightClip-Client Library installer. Bccp is the little brother of DataMover, and as a Bright tool, like all our tools, is sequence aware and will analyze the content prior to the copy process. Analyzing before copying will not only hand over the content in sequence, it will write directly to the managed area (aka "media area"). Using bccp instead of cp, cvcp, rsync or other similar non-sequence aware tools, it is much more effective.  Once the content has been copied into the workspace it won't need additional management because there is no better way than to lay down the data sequenced and in one continuous segment or chunk.

Bccp is quite simple to use; verification is enabled by default and it uses the basic flags like other tools do. Under Windows a simple copy of a single file can be done with:
bccp.exe e:\project\ o:\projects\vip\trailer\movies\.

Using bccp for a sequence in a Linux environment is as simple as any other tool:
bccp -rp /mnt/disk_drive/project/shot-1 /mnt/ol01/vip/trailer/.

Full instructions can be found in the BrightClip User Guide which can be downloaded from our helpdesk system.

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A Note from Director of Sales, Shawn Clark:

Sometimes no news in our industry is good news. We have a very unique and wide spread customer base and this can sometimes mean we lose frequent opportunities for contact with our customers until service is requested, or a support contract is nearing expiration. I would like to take a moment to express that any of our customers may contact us at any time, for any reason. We are always looking for input about our products, and ideas on what you might want to see in future releases. Hopefully this newsletter allows for more frequent communication between all of us here at Bright, and all of you. Every now and then, the Brightest ideas are those we never thought our partners were looking for!


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With product updates and patches, and now this newsletter, staying current with your support contract has never been more important and valuable.  Our customers and reseller partners can turn to this exclusive newsletter to get the tips, tricks and knowledge first before everyone else.

We'd like to remind everyone about a few of our ongoing offers to under support customers:
  • G1 Server Rebuilds to update to StorNext 3.5.2 (where applicable)
  • 30 Day Trials of DataMover, and DataWrangler
  • Admin GUI For G2 Users and G1 Users
  • Monitoring Tool For G2 Users
Please contact support, or sales through the ticketing system for details.

Thanks for this opportunity to reach out to our valued customers and reseller partners, We sincerely hope this is a valuable addition to your support contract with us.  Please look forward to our next newsletter, in early December, featuring another useful tip for another Bright product.


Bright Technologies
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Comments (3)
25 December 2011 05:55 PM
Articles like this are an example of quick, hpelful answers.
25 December 2011 11:48 PM
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them comnig!
25 December 2011 11:48 PM
I want to send you an award for most helpful inetnret writer.
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